
The control system in the V2000 is designed for process versatility
and ease of operation. The system is available with a fully
automatic control systems using a PC/PLC Design. The fully automatic
system is completely programmable and makes the V2000 a menu-driven
system. |

throughput is obtained by use of large cathode targets, a process load of
up to 28 pallets, highly regulated and finely controlled plasma power
supplies, simultaneous two sided deposition, magnetron sputtering, and a
variable speed pallet transport system that permits the process to operate
at optimal rates. |

Need more information?
Just call us directly and we will be
glad to answer all your concerns or questions |

CPA has designed and built the V2000 System with reliability
and simplicity in mind. Reliability means extended production
times with minimal down-time for routine maintenance. Based
on actual production cycles in some of the most active and successful
semiconductor manufacturers. Each V2000 System CPA provides
complete maintenance and operating manuals, system schematics
and O.E.M. manuals. |
sets of shielding are provided with the V2000 System. One is
installed and the other is ready for replacement when the need
arises. Shielding replacement can be accomplished simultaneously
with routine target replacement. Both are easily accessed by
removal of the cathode door cover and hinged cathode doors.
With each system comes an informative operating and maintenance
training program backed with schematics of system electronics
and easy to read system documentation. |
V2000 Systems use readily
available components. Standard power supplies and high vacuum
pumping systems simplify system maintenance. A hinged set of
doors allows easy access to the cathodes and shielding in
each chamber to minimize routine service time.
following the computer prompts, information such as the
process gas flow, the track speed and the deposition
rate/target can be pre-programmed. By pre-programming the
system, variance of control is eliminated, operator error is
greatly decreased and process repeatability is maintained at
a high level of accuracy.
Since all V2000 Series
Systems are modular, they can be configured to fit the
process; systems can have as many different process chambers,
substrate heaters or sputter etch chambers as desired. These
modules can be located in whatever order the process
requires. V2000 systems handle up to 28 pallets in a load. |